Tips for choosing profile locations#

To help you pick the locations of your profiles, here are a few resources.

EPSG:3031 Polar Stereographic map#

Read x/y coordinates off this map to choose approximate start/end profile points.

import pygmt

fig = pygmt.Figure()
region = (-2700000, 2700000, -2700000, 2700000)
e, w, n, s = region
fig_height = 90  # in mm
fig_width = fig_height * (w - e) / (s - n)
fig_ratio = (s - n) / (fig_height / 1000)
fig_proj = "x1:" + str(fig_ratio)
fig_proj_ll = "s0/-90/-71/1:" + str(fig_ratio)

    region=region, projection=fig_proj_ll, shorelines="0.5p,black", land="skyblue"
    projection=fig_proj_ll, area_thresh="+ag", shorelines="0.5p,black", land="gray"

with pygmt.config(
    MAP_GRID_PEN_PRIMARY=".4p,dimgray", MAP_GRID_PEN_SECONDARY=".75p,black"
            "sxa500000g500000+a30+leasting (m)",
            "sya500000g500000+lnorthing (m)",
coast [WARNING]: For a UTM or TM projection, your region -2700000/2700000/-2700000/2700000 is too large to be in degrees and thus assumed to be in meters
coast [WARNING]: For a UTM or TM projection, your region -2700000/2700000/-2700000/2700000 is too large to be in degrees and thus assumed to be in meters

Make custom shapefile in QGIS#

QGIS, especially with the Quantarctica package, is an easy way to make a custom shapefile. This can then be used with antarctic_plots to sample data along the file.

To make the shapefile:

  • Layer -> Create Layer -> New Shapefile Layer

  • For Geometry Type, select Polygon

  • Select EPSG:3031 for the coordinate reference system

  • save to the same directory as your python file you want to work with.