
This package and most of it’s dependencies can be installed with a simple call to pip, but since PyGMT requires GMT and GeoPandas require GDAL, both of which are C packages, neither can be installed via pip successfully. The below instructions should successfully install antarctic-plots, and all the dependencies:

Here I use mamba to install packages, but conda should work as well:

Create a new python environment with PyGMT and GeoPandas installed:#

mamba create --name antarctic_plots python=3.9 pygmt=0.7.0 geopandas=0.11.0
mamba activate antarctic_plots

install the package (latest stable release, see Contribution guide for installing the development version):#

pip install antarctic-plots

To install the latest development version from Github:#

git clone
cd antarctic_plots

Make a virtual env to install into: mamba create –name antarctic_plots python=3.9 pygmt=0.7.0 geopandas=0.11.0 mamba activate antarctic_plots

Install the package and PyGMT/GeoPandas: make install

Test the install by running the first few cells of docs/walkthrough.ipynb.

Common errors#

If you get an error related to traitlets run the following command as discussed here:

mamba install ipykernel --update-deps --force-reinstall