
Online usage (Binder)#

See below for the full installation instructions. If instead you’d like to use this package online, without needing to install anything, check out our Binder link, which gives full access the the package in an online environment.

This Binder environment can also be accessed by clicking the Binder icon in any of the Gallery examples.

Install package#

This package and most of it’s dependencies can be installed with a simple call to pip, but since PyGMT requires GMT and GeoPandas require GDAL, both of which are C packages, neither can be installed via pip successfully. The below instructions should successfully install antarctic-plots, and all the dependencies:

Here I use mamba to install packages, but conda should work as well:

Create an environment:#

mamba create --name antarctic_plots python=3.9 pygmt=0.7.0 geopandas=0.11.0
mamba activate antarctic_plots

Option 1) Install the PyPI package:#

pip install antarctic-plots

Option 2) Install the dev version:#

git clone
cd antarctic_plots

Install the package and PyGMT/GeoPandas:

make install

Test the install by running any of the Gallery examples.

Common errors#

If you get errors related to GDAL and GMT, try reinstall Geopandas and PyGMT with the following command:

mamba install geopandas pygmt --force-reinstall

If you get an error related to traitlets run the following command as discussed here:

mamba install ipykernel --update-deps --force-reinstall